If you have recently been employed and set to receive a wage of $17.75 an hour, you are probably wondering how much you will earn in a year, month, and week. Well, this guide offers insights on how much $17.25 an hour is a year. You’ll also get to learn how to live on this salary and whether it is a good pay or not.

$17.25 an Hour Is How Much a Year

The simple answer is $35,880! However, the answer to this question depends on how many hours you work in a week. But before we go into details, check out this comparison table.

Work Hours52 weeks50 weeksMonthlyWeeklyDaily
Full-time (40hrs)$35,880.00$34,500.00$2,990.00$690.00$138.00
Part-time (30hrs)$26,910.00$25,875.00$2,242.50$517.50$103.50
Half-time (20hrs)$17,940.00$17,250.00$1,495.00$345.00$69.00

Here are the most common scenarios:

If you work full-time (40 hours a week) for 52 weeks

Full-time workers with an hourly rate of $17.25 can easily convert their salary into annual wages. The first step for this conversion is to find the number of working hours in a year, and then multiply it with your hourly rates.

You can find working hours in a year by multiplying the number of working hours in a week by the number of weeks in a year. This equation can be written as 40×52, and you’ll get 2,080.


Those working 40 hours a week for 52 weeks at an hourly rate of $17.25 would make $35,880 per year before taxes. In this situation, it’s assumed that you get a 2-week paid vacation or you don’t take any vacation.

Working full-time (40 hours a week) with 2 weeks of unpaid vacation

If your hourly pay is $17.25 and works 40 hours a week for 50 weeks a year, you’ll get an annual salary of $34,500 before taxes. Below is an equation to represent this statement:


With this calculation, it is assumed that you take a two-week unpaid holiday.

Working part-time (30 hours a week) for 52 weeks

With an hourly rate of $17.25 and working 30 hours a week for 52 weeks, you’ll earn a yearly salary of $26,910 before taxes. The equation for this statement can be written as 30×17.25×52 = $26,910.

Working half-time (20 hours a week) for 52 weeks

If you are paid $17.25 an hour and work 30 hours a week for 52 weeks, you are likely to make $17,940 per year. In this case, it is assumed that you don’t take any unpaid vacation or holiday. Below is an equation for this calculation:

20×7.25× 52 = $17,940

How Much Is 17.25 Dollars an Hour Per Month

17.25 dollars an hour is $2,990 a month. You can obtain this answer by dividing your annual salary by the number of months. Let’s find let us how much you’ll earn a month when working full-time, part-time, and half-time.

Full-time workers with an hourly pay of $17.25 and working 40 hours in a week for 52 hours, earn a monthly salary of $2990. This figure is obtained by dividing the annual salary by the number of months in a year.

Those working 30 hours a week for 52 weeks at an hourly rate of $17.25 make a monthly salary of $2,242.50. These are people working on a part-time basis with paid vacation.

Individuals with a half-time working schedule earn $1,495 per month, working 20 hours a week for 52 weeks and at a rate of $17.25 per hour.

Note: Some months have more than four weeks, and the assumption here is that all 12 months are equal.

How Much Is $17.25 An Hour Per Week

$17.25 an hour is $690 a week without vacation time and working on a full-time basis. This figure is obtained by multiplying the hourly rate by the number of working hours in a week. A week has 40 working hours. The table below shows the weekly pay of full-time, part-time, and half-time workers with an hourly rate of $17.25.

TypeHours in a WeekPay Per HourWeekly Pay

How Much Is 17.25 Dollars an Hour Per Day

Just like weekly earnings, you can calculate your daily earnings by multiplying $17.25 by the number of working hours in a day. For example, if you are working full-time, $17.25 an hour is $138 per day. Those working on a part-time and half-time basis can find their daily earnings in the table below.

TypeWorking Hours in a DayPay Per HourDaily Earnings

Whether you are working on a full-time, part-time, or half-time basis, there are a few things to consider if you want to get a clear picture of your take-home wage.

Related: $18.50 an Hour Is How Much a Year

3 Must-Have Tools to Live On $17.25 An Hour

If you want to live on $17.25 an hour comfortably, investing in tools to help with your budgeting and money management is essential. Here are three must-have tools:

Personal Capital

Personal Capital is a free budgeting and investment planning tool that will help you keep track of your accounts and money flow. It also provides great investment information and analysis of your investment accounts, so you can make your money grow.


Have the opportunity to get more bucks in your pocket with Taskrabbit whenever you are free, especially over the weekends. This app allows you to help people around you with tasks they are too busy to do themselves such as home repairs, delivery services, spring cleaning, heavy lifting, and yard work among many other activities.


Zeta is a free budgeting app designed to cater to the financial needs of a couple who want to learn to manage money better and achieve specific goals over the years. This app can help you develop financial discipline, especially if you have shared budgets and savings/investment accounts as a couple.  

Tips To Living On $17.25 An Hour

The best way to live on $17.25 an hour is by:

1. Always have a clear budget

Make it a habit to budget for everything, from rent and utilities to personal expenses and entertainment. This way, you will avoid wasting money while keeping track of expenses.

2. Start saving

The best way to start saving is never to assume that any amount is too little to help you in the future. Develop the discipline to set aside at least $200 each month, and in a few years, you will have considerable savings and investments.

3. Don’t use 30% or more of your income on housing

When budgeting, ensure your housing costs do not account for more than 30% of your monthly income.

4. Strive to live debt-free

While there are instances when it is wise to take a loan, to comfortably live on $17.25, you need to have little or no debt, given how limited you can stretch your finances.

Is $17.25 a Good Pay?

According to the latest data by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly wage is currently at $27.33 per hour and is expected to grow to $28.67 per hour in 2023. Going by these figures, $17.25 falls below the national average. However, it is still considered fair/moderate pay in several sectors.

Jobs That Pay $17.25 an Hour Near Me

OccupationEducation Entry-LevelHourly Rate
Veterinary technologists and techniciansAssociate’s degree$17.72
PhlebotomistsPostsecondary nondegree award$17.97
Construction Laborers and HelpersShort-term on-the-job training$18.04
Secretaries and Administrative AssistantsHigh school diploma or equivalent$19.08
Customer Service RepresentativesHigh school diploma or equivalent$17.75
Quality Control InspectorsHigh school diploma or equivalent$18.55
Information ClerksHigh school diploma or equivalent$18.01

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

$17.25 an Hour Is How Much a Year? The Bottom Line

While the answer to 17.25 dollars an hour is how much a year depends on how many hours you work, the most straightforward answer is $35,880. However, you must remember to factor in your federal and state tax obligations when budgeting for this wage.

Elisha Philip

Elisha Philip

Elisha is a passionate parenting and baby care expert, co-running Moms Voice Pro with Karen. Since launching the blog, he has authored 300+ insightful posts on pregnancy, parenting, and kids’ products. His work blends research and experience, helping parents make informed decisions while navigating their parenting journey.